Chef Gautam Chaudhry represents the exclusive group of creative chefs who pioneered the trend of Progressive Indian Cuisine. Having started his career with the Radisson Group, Chef Gautam went on to work with The Oberoi's. He was instrumental in launching Threesixty degrees at The Oberoi's New Delhi, before heading to Tanzore Restaurant & Lounge in the very glamorous Beverly Hills, USA.
He came back to India and rejoined the Radisson Group briefly. He followed this with a long and successful stint with the Hyatt Group through their Hyderabad, Bengaluru and Pune properties. Chef Gautam launched a luxury catering company by the name of Gourmet Aura, for which he received the prestigious Most Promising Entrepreneurs Award in the field of Food & Beverage by The Economic Times in 2015.
Most recently, Chef Gautam added yet another feather to his cap by being listed as one of India's Top 10 Chefs by Hotelier India. Today he operates a company in Dubai by the name of Giant Foods LLC and owns Demiurgic Hospitality Pvt. Ltd.
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