Hotline Nos. Awards: +91 9313034080, Conference: +91 8595350505, Exhibition: +91 8595350525
Indian Restaurant Partners
29 - 30 August, 2016J.W. Marriott, Aerocity, New Delhi
6th National Convention & Awards on Business of Restaurant


Thank you for making the Indian Restaurant Congress 2016 a grand success

Our Partners

Venture Garage

To tap business opportunities in this new online environment we make available the large and diversified network of 100,000+ Decision makers, Business owners, Investors and Service Providers at VENTURE GARAGE, the domain expertise and knowledge of the management team, and access to events and social media to build a successful venture.

At Venture Garage we work with businesses largely in the areas of:

FUND RAISING: Business Plans, Documentation, Market Research, Financials, Valuation, Investor Connects (Angels, VC's, Banks, NBFC's)

GO TO MARKET: Market Entry Roadmap, Business Development, Strategic Connects & Business Networking

TECH & DIGITAL ROADMAP: Ecommerce Development, Technology Roadmap, Social Media Roadmap, Search Engine Marketing Strategies, Content Strategies

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